lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

Look for a film that you like best, watch it, write the plot and describe the main characters.


The Cast of the Pursuit of Happyness
Will Smith                     : Chris Gardner
Jaden Smith                   : Christopher
Thandie Newton            : Linda
Brian Howe                   : Jay Twistle
James Karen                  : Martin Frohm
Dan Catellaneta             : Alan Frakesh
Kurt Fuller                     : Walter Ribbon
Takayo Fischer              : Mrs. Chu

3.      The Plot of the Pursuit of Happyness

a.      Exposition
The pursuit of happyness is a biography film which was made at 2006 in San Francisco, California. This film tells about Chris Gardner’s life. He is a salesman. He is homeless. He has a wife, her name is Linda. She is a worker in a laundry. They live in a small apartment with their son, Christopher. He is five years old. Chris is a salesman who spends all family savings to buy franchise to sell a portable Bone Density Scanner. This scanner is able to produce a picture better than X-ray, but according to the doctors whom Chris has met, the price is too expensive.
b.      Complication
The Chris family begins broken home when they cannot pay the house rental and the claims that accumulate. The condition of Chris family becomes worse and worse moreover when he often parks his car everywhere. Chris cannot pay the traffic ticket letter, so his car is taken.
c.       Crisis
Linda leaves Chris and her son, Christopher and goes to New York City.  Chris lives with his son, Christopher. He becomes homeless. Chris and his son sleep in the public places. He decides to stay in Glide Memorial Church. He decides to be a salesman of Bone Density Scanner by investigating his family saving to buy this machine for the stock to be resold again to the Medical Center in San Francisco. He lives with his son.  One day, Chris meets someone who drives a red Ferrari. He is a stockbroker. Chris admires not for his luxurious car but he wants to know how that man can get it. So Since that time, Chris decides to work as a Stock broker.
d.      Falling Action
Chris receives the volunteer order without payment in a stock firm “Dean Witter Reynolds.” He promises that there is a job for the best participant. From his destitution and homeless, it encourages Chris to do his job harder and harder and he gets a job in Dean Witter Reynolds.
e.       Resolution
Chris succeeds to become the best participant, and he becomes an employer there. Some years later, he makes a stock firm, it’s a Gardner Rich. In 2006, he sold a piece of his stock, and he is successful to get million dollars from selling the stock.


  • Will Smith does well in a more dramatic role than his usual fare
  • Chris Gardner's story definitely deserved to be made into a film


  • Unfortunately this isn't the film Gardner's story deserved
  • Jaden Smith's a fine little actor but this bit of casting is really distracting


  • Starring Will Smith, Jaden Christopher Syre Smith, and Thandie Newton
  • Jaden Smith makes his feature film acting debut alongside his dad in the film
  • The real Chris Gardner does a cameo at the very end of the movie
  • Rated PG-13 for some language
  • Theatrical Release Date: December 15, 2006

4.      The Character of the Pursuit of Happyness
Chris Gardner         : He is a hard worker. He also has a self-concept which develops      
  when he was childhood. He has a dream. He has a good self-
  esteem so there is a motivation from himself and from his son so
  he works hard. The last, he has a high self-efficacy. He has a big
  future to do his jobs although it is too hard to do it.

miércoles, 9 de julio de 2014

Why do people have regrets about things 

in their life?

Our generation is quickly growing older. We are beginning to understand the importance of using our time efficiently and fully. Even now, looking back a few years, we can certainly come up with a handful of regrets we have. We all regret doing some things and not doing others.
Now, imagine how much you will regret if you keep living your life exactly the same way you currently are, making the same mistakes over and over again.

You would think we would reflect and grow, learning not to make the same mistakes time and time again.Yet, most of us are stuck on some sort of hamster wheel, pretending we will begin to live more fully, but never taking the leap. 

There are some situations about regrets in people's life:
  • Not allowing yourself to fall in love. It can be a scary thing to love and to let your guard down, but the only way to feel great pleasure is to risk feeling great pain.
  • Not learning a different language. It will introduce you to a whole new culture and an entirely new perspective.
  • Not traveling more. The world is yours; explore it while you are still able.
  • Letting the “one that got away” get away. Maybe it wouldn’t have worked out; maybe it would have.
  • Eating all that over-processed food. It eventually catches up with you.
  • Not exercising enough. The body is a machine. If you maintain it, it’s more likely to keep running.
  • Getting a tattoo. It looked like a kitten at first… now it’s just an ugly, stretched-out horse of some sort.
  • Not taking more calculated risks. If you don’t risk, you don’t win.
  • Taking too many uncalculated risks. Calculate and only then decide to act; you may decide it’s not worth it.
  • Surrounding yourself with awful friends. You are, in large part, who you eat with.
  • Spending too much time in a crappy relationship. You knew how awful it was at the time, but you couldn’t get yourself to let go. Damn comfort zone.
  • Being too busy. Busy can be good; busy can be bad. Don’t be too busy to enjoy life.
  • Never taking a moment to do absolutely nothing. Living doesn’t require anything but breathing. If you want to know what living really feels like, take a moment to do absolutely nothing.
  • Not giving it your all when your all was needed. You were too tired. You had other things you preferred to do. You didn’t want it badly enough. You missed your chance.
  • Making all those excuses. You can make all the excuses you want as long as you realize that one day, you will accept them as just that: excuses. It may not be until your dying breath, but realizing that you have been lying to yourself your whole life is not at all pleasant.
  • We all have things that scare us. Life sometimes may even scare us. However, giving into your fears is a coward’s way of saying, “I don’t want to try.”
  • Not letting those you care about know that you care about them. Actions speak louder than words. If you care about them, allow them to be part of your life.
  • Not telling those you love that you love them while you still had the chance. People aren’t around forever. Accidents happen; aging happens. Tell those you love how you feel before they’re no longer around.
  • Never taking the time to explore yourself. You are more complicated than you now believe. Get to know yourself better. You can be your best friend.
  • Spending time focusing and fussing over things that don’t matter. Time is a priceless commodity. 
  • Being too angry, too often. The world isn’t perfect. Most people are idiots. These facts won’t change, so why stress over the.
  • Taking a huge risk. We all need to take one big risk in our lives in order to feel that we really bet on ourselves and went all in. Otherwise, we are left with a menacing question: What if?
  • Not following your passion. Life should be your passion. If you aren’t passionate, you aren’t living.
  • Not loving intensely. Love and love deeply.
  • Not speaking your mind. Brilliance isn’t brilliance if you keep it to yourself.
  • Not dreaming big enough. If you’re going to devote your time to something, make it the craziest, most incredible something you possibly can. I’m going to be the world’s first trillionaire. How big is your dream?
  • Not crying or laughing enough. Emotions make us feel alive. Don’t bundle them up; let them free.
  • Not quitting that job you can’t stand. You should never do something you don’t want to do unless it gets you to somewhere you need to be.
  • Not taking the time to experience nature. You live in a world that goes beyond the walls of your apartment and office. Explore it. You don’t have to go far to better understand your place in it all.
  • Not taking responsibility for all your actions. It’s a part of growing as an individual. If you accept the outcome of your actions, even if the results are undesirable, you will be able to let go and move on with your life.
  • Eating the same thing all the time. Food is a big part of the human culture. Some chefs are more like magicians. You don’t want to miss out on one of life’s most delectable pleasures.
  • Saving all your money and never enjoying any of it. One of two things will happen: You’ll die with a very hefty bank account and no memories, or you’ll lose it before you decide to enjoy it.
  • Not being more social. Our interactions with people are crucial to our happiness. Don’t be shy; say hi.
  • Not making your own decisions. It’s your life; they’re your decisions to make. Don’t spend forever on them — calculate, execute and move on.
  • Not supporting those you surround yourself with. People can do the imposible if they have enough people telling them that it’s possible.

miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014

What are your expectations about the future?


As a child, I found myself looking up to many people and admiring those that had accomplished so many great things in their lives. I grew up in a humble household. I have brothers. I never thought about my future plans and expectation growing up. I started thinking about my future when I was in high school and then after. 

I never thought that I would finish high school. Many friends and family have told me that I one day I needed to finish school. I never imagined ever finishing something that everyone thought that I couldn’t do. I must work really hard to give myself a better future. Who would have ever thought that I could be an a counter.

When I finished high school, my biggest goal was to start a career in college and of course to become a professional. I want to be a counter and work with a good company or have one of my own. I define high school as experience. It is definitely the place where you learn the most. You develop character, live, enjoy, cry, learn to be responsible, work. This is one of the best phases of your life. Everything I have achieved would not have been possible without your support.

It is hard to look back at my regrets and encourage myself to look back at my successes. I look ahead and try to motivate myself to do the best that I know I can as I encourage myself everyday. When I think about my future plants, I see a lot of possibilities. As I have found a mentor that help me through my hard decisions. I believe that in five years I see myself still studying thank to my own motivation in wanting to gain more knowledge and learn more so I can one day become a great counter.

Well first of all I really want to win this year without any problems, that's what I need the most right now, then I hope one day I get into a state university and study accounting, gave good grades, change myself from being just a student to a professional and then get a good job, having a good salary, spending money in a intelligent way and get some time to study what I really love. Knowing several parts of the world, meeting new cultures, reading all the books I want, learning all the languages I want. And well, never stop studying, having some more knowledge everyday can not hurt anybody.

Basically, a career choice is a compromise between the social reality and personal expectation. The social reality encompasses so many facets that we are not able to change it. But it is natural and sensible for us to expectation of the future career. For me, my expectations about the future are so important. To study at Cibertec, well, it's a good season I guess, I'm just thinking it right now but I now that in a future I'll miss it. I think that I learned more with the people than in class. The schedules can get you exhausted and the activities too.

Eventually, I figured out that positive expectations are much more than a belief that my dreams are possible.  Positive expectations are a way of life. When I have positive expectations, I live as if my dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen.  I am totally engaged in making my dreams come true.  

I have some expectations for the next years and it can be just thoughts. One of them is that I will be able to afford to buy an apartment in a neighborhood that I like or that if I will not be able to buy one I think is a great idea to rent one. In the next year I will finish my career and I think I will have more time to dedicate to my professional and other stuffs, because at the moment I’m working and studying. 

I share you this video, enjoy it. 
